Price: $24.60
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Dennis Behn - Artistic Explorations Blog

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By Polytranspar

Description: Intense Red Paint
Waterbase - 4 Ounce

Item #: WA280-4OZ
Our Price: $11.05

Intense Red Transparent Paint


Size: 4 Ounce

Sold Each

Intense Red transparent paint is a rich transparent red with many uses on birds, fish, turkey heads, and etc. The Transparent Series waterbase paints are designed to blend with other colors and will bleed with subsequent coatings, especially white. Use them only where overspray can be controlled or the blending of colors is desired. Transparent paints are very intense, powerful colors, and very little is needed. For maximum detail and transparency, these paints are the best. Advanced artists use transparent paints to create beautiful lifelike effects.