Fish Reproductions
A wide selection of quality reproduction fish is available from leading fish taxidermists. Featured is the Arp 3D line. This series is known as the most highly detailed, easiest to use reproduction fish form on the market. These forms can be prepped and ready to paint in minutes. The Original Arp Fish Reproductions feature excellent detail and symmetry. The Matt Thompson line of fish reproductions covers a vast array of species. Though this series requires a bit more prep time to complete, there is bound to be a reproduction you need especially for saltwater fish.
To add more realism to your diorama are exceptional small fish, crayfish and shrimp reproductions offered by Don Franks series of "Baitfish". Offered in finished and unfinished versions, the detail of these baitfish is spectacular. Also offered are Freeze Dried fish for several species. We are proud of this selection of reproduction fish and the options available. Best of all, most are in stock and ready to ship!