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Lifesize Blackbuck forms from the Original Creations Series by Don Holt and the Jonas Series. Anatomically accurate and highly detailed forms. The Don Holt forms will be cut for shipping unless you specify otherwise.

Add realism to your trophy mount with our premium quality Antelope glass eyes.

Our African ottomans are a great option for using up extra hides. Now you have a chance to use them and turn a good profit.

Van Dyke's How To instructions offer valuable information for mounting mammals, such as How To Measure For Life-Size Forms.

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
by Don Holt
Blackbuck Lying LT, CM
5 1/2 x 16 x 36 1/2 x 46

by Don Holt

by Don Holt
Blackbuck Running, RT, CM
5 3/4 x 15 3/4 x 35 x 47

by Jonas Supply
Blackbuck Walking, LT, CM
5 1/2 x 32 1/2 x 45
