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The Breakthrough Reptile and Amphibian Manual Chapters:

This edition of The Breakthrough Reptile and Amphibian Manual is the definitive source for modern reptile and amphibian taxidermy information, featuring dozens of step-by-step procedures. Written by Ken Edwards with contributions from the world's foremost reptile experts including Larry Blomquist, Mozelle Funderburk, Ralph Garland, Ben Haden, Joey P. Holmes, John Bellucci and others. 172 pages, over 1000 black and white photos and diagrams.

Book Chapters Book Chapters Cont. Book Chapters Cont.
What are Reptiles and Amphibians Alligator Skinning and Mounting Alligator Flat Display Skins
Turtle Skinning and Mounting Carving Coiled Snake Mannikins Snake Anatomy
Casting Turtle Re-Creations Forg and Toad Skin Mounts Methods of Collecting Reference
Shop Organization, Supplies Mounting a Carved Snake Mannikin Mounting on a Commercial Mannikin
Photographing Dangerous Reptiles Venomous Snake Reference Observations Lizard, Crocodile and Turtle Anatomy
Lizard with Carved Body and Cast Head Molding and Casting Frog Re-Creations Making a Snakeskin Belt and Buckle
Mounting a Snake on a Cast Mannikin Salamander Re-Creation Techniques Frog and Salamander Anatomy
Snake Families and Species Collecting and Field Care Snake Finishing Techniques
Making Study Casts of Snakes Skull and Skeletal Preparation Skinning and Tanning a Snake
Mounting Lizards with Fish Filler Casting Latex Snake Re-Creations Safety Considerations for Venom