Book Chapters |
Book Chapters Cont. |
Book Chapters Cont. |
What are Reptiles and Amphibians |
Alligator Skinning and Mounting |
Alligator Flat Display Skins |
Turtle Skinning and Mounting |
Carving Coiled Snake Mannikins |
Snake Anatomy |
Casting Turtle Re-Creations |
Forg and Toad Skin Mounts |
Methods of Collecting Reference |
Shop Organization, Supplies |
Mounting a Carved Snake Mannikin |
Mounting on a Commercial Mannikin |
Photographing Dangerous Reptiles |
Venomous Snake Reference Observations |
Lizard, Crocodile and Turtle Anatomy |
Lizard with Carved Body and Cast Head |
Molding and Casting Frog Re-Creations |
Making a Snakeskin Belt and Buckle |
Mounting a Snake on a Cast Mannikin |
Salamander Re-Creation Techniques |
Frog and Salamander Anatomy |
Snake Families and Species |
Collecting and Field Care |
Snake Finishing Techniques |
Making Study Casts of Snakes |
Skull and Skeletal Preparation |
Skinning and Tanning a Snake |
Mounting Lizards with Fish Filler |
Casting Latex Snake Re-Creations |
Safety Considerations for Venom |