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Using Van Dyke's Van-Wet 9N-9®

Note: If Van-Wet material is not at room temperature, it may become insoluble in water. Let material warm to room temperature (70 degrees) and mix well before using.

Van-Wet 9N-9® is a superb wetting agent used to bring back the pliability and stretch to air or salt-dried skin. Add 4 to 5 ounces of Van-Wet 9N-9® to a minimum of 5 gallons of Cold water or more. Add a handful of salt to the Van-Wet solution. A cap full of a bactericide such as Lysol Disinfectant (brown bottle) also can be added to the wetback solution.

Some skins that are dried out may have a lot more bacteria in them than others. Disinfectant can be added as an option. Light skins such as Minks, Fox, etc. will wet back in as little as 2 to 4 hours. Heavier skins such as Deer or Elk will require a longer soaking period of approximately 6 to 10 hours. When wetback is complete, rinse well in clear water.

Wet skins, for best results, should be placed into an acid pickle after being wet back. This will retard growth of bacteria in the skin.

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