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By Van Dyke's

Description: Ringtail Flexiform, Walking
1 1/4" x 4" x 6 5/8" x 14 1/4"

Item #: RGT-600
Our Price: $100.30

Lifesize Ringtail Cat Flexiform

Eye Size: 13mm

Position: Male,Walking. Tail included

Size: A: 1 1/4" x B: 4" x C: 6 5/8" x D: 14 1/4"

Van Dyke's male Ringtail Cat full Flexiform is posed walking.

A member of the Raccoon family, the Ringtail Cat is found throughout Arizona, California, Oregon and New Mexico. These nocturnal mammals are rarely seen. They eat fruits, berries, insects, birds and small rodents. You will find Ringtail nests usually in the hollows of trees.

Suggested: FhB341 rectangular habitat earth base

View: How To Measure For Lifesize Forms