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By McKenzie

Description: McKenzie Rock Panel DVD

Item #: VM20DP
Our Price: $29.45

McKenzie Rock Panels DVD

Length: 125 Minutes

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McKenzie Rock Panels are an amazing cost-effective innovation that allows hundreds of unique options for building habitats ranging from small rock bases to large mountain scenes. The possibilities are unlimited once you know how to use the product. In this DVD, Brian hendricks gives you all the information you need in order to create convincing habitats feauring Randy Nelson's Quik - Rock panel. See how Brian builds, finishes and paints a convincing floor habitat and a rock wall scene with habitat supplies. This easy to follow DVD gives you all the basics you need to confidently take on your own projects. Van Dyke's offers Rock Panels in several sizes.

  • Easy to follow step-by-step procedures.
  • Learn how to build a floor habitat and a wall habitat.
  • Instructs how to build, finish and paint rock scenes.