Using McKenzie Leather Oil
McKenzie Leather Oil Instructions:
Mix 2 parts warm water to 1 part McKenzie Leather Oil.
After the skin has been tanned and towel dried (damp to the touch), apply a liberal coat of McKenzie Leather Oil to the flesh side.
When skin becomes semi-dry, pull and stretch until skin is pliable (Example; work the skin over the square edge of a table). When dry, sanding with coarse sand paper will improve softness of skin.
Note:The thicker the skin, the more work is required to produce soft pliable leather.
Keep out of reach of children.
Note: Van Dyke's Taxidermy Supply Co. offers these instructions in an advisory capacity and assumes no liability. Such information is the same as used in our own successful experiments, and since we have no control over the environment or the materials upon which our products or instructions will be used, no success is guaranteed. Trial must be performed to account for individual circumstances. In all suggestions, we recommend reading the formulas that have been provided for your evaluation. These are proven formulas that you may find beneficial, from the experience of other tanners.
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