Price: $86.10
Price: $16.50
Subtotal: $102.60

Dennis Behn - Artistic Explorations Blog

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Matt Thompson Fiberglass Fish Reproductions

Van Dyke's offers a full line of Matt Thompson fish reproductions. The fish blanks require seam work, fin attachment and mouth/gill work. The fish reproductions are made to order; please allow 2-3 weeks for shipment. As a general rule, fish reproductions over 55 inch must be shipped by truck.

CM = Closed Mouth CG = Closed Gill OG = Open Gill
LT = Left Turn RT = Right Turn M = Male
F = Female SCV = S-Curve (SA) = Sail Attached
H = Hook SH SH = Slight Hook FU = Fins Unattached
NDF = No Dorsal Fin SM = Spawning Male LU = Lobes Unattached
TW = Tail Walking, flapping coming out of the water TU = Tail Up

Displaying 31 - 45 of 55 results