Knoblochs Safety Pickle
Knoblochs Safety Pickle is an easy-to-use pickling acid. You will notice that this product will plump up your skins nicely for easy shaving. Knoblochs Safety Pickle is formulated to replace any type of acid pickle. It does not produce fumes or vapors like a formic acid pickle and it is easier to use than formic acid. Knoblochs Safety Pickle has been thoroughly tested and proven by our staff of tanning experts!
Directions for Rehydration:
Rehydrate skins in a bath of 1/4 lb salt, 1/2 ounce Relax R and 1/8 ounce Skin Prep to each gallon of water.
Directions for Pickle:
Mix a pickle solution with 1/2 to 1 ounce Knoblochs Safety Pickle and 1 lb of salt to each gallon of water.
Add skins and stir until all skins have been submerged.
Pickle skins for 48-72 hours stirring skins 2-3 times a day.
Maintain pH of 1.8 - 2.2. Check pH of skin, NOT SOLUTION. The skin will always lag behind the solution.
If pH starts to rise, pull skins, add more Knoblochs Safety Pickle, stir and place skins back in solution. NEVER ADD ANY PICKLE DIRECTLY ON A SKIN.
Shave skins and place back in the pickle solution if necessary.
Degrease skins if needed.
Once skins are pickled, proceed to tanning.
Note: Van Dyke's Taxidermy Supply Co. offers these instructions in an advisory capacity and assumes no liability. Such information is the same as used in our own successful experiments, and since we have no control over the environment or the materials upon which our products or instructions will be used, no success is guaranteed. Trial must be performed to account for individual circumstances. In all suggestions, we recommend reading the formulas that have been provided for your evaluation. These are proven formulas that you may find beneficial, from the experience of other tanners.
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