Using Fish Filler Maché
Contents will settle during shipping; stir Fish Filler Maché before use!
Important: Due to the nature of this product, there is no consistent set or cure time established. Temperature, humidity, stir time, water temperature and water pH all dramatically affect the set time.
If the set time is too slow, add a small amount of salt to speed the set time up, hot water will also speed up the set time. The more the mixture is stirred the quicker it will set.
If the maché is setting too quickly, use cold water to slow the cure time. Alternatively, add flour to the mix to retard the set time. In addition, the less mixture is stirred, the slower it will set.
To achieve the correct mix thickness, pour 16 fluid ounces of water into 20 to 22 weight ounces of Van Dyke's Fish Filler. The filler should have the consistency of soft clay, but not the weight. This stiff mixture is then firmly packed into the fish skin. Work the mixture firmly into the head and throat area; fill small areas one at a time to avoid trapped air bubbles. As the fish filler begins to set or cure, work the show side of the fish smooth.
Keep Out of Reach of Children
Note: Van Dyke's Taxidermy Supply Co. offers these instructions in an advisory capacity and assumes no liability. Such information is the same as used in our own successful experiments, and since we have no control over the environment or the materials upon which our products or instructions will be used, no success is guaranteed. Trial must be performed to account for individual circumstances. In all suggestions, we recommend reading the formulas that have been provided for your evaluation. These are proven formulas that you may find beneficial, from the experience of other tanners.
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