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The Salie Dahmes Whitetail / Mule Deer Taxidermy System Contents
written by Sallie Dahmes


160 pages, 800 black and white photos and diagrams.

Two-time World Champion and sculptor Sallie Dahmes is the only person in history to win back-to-back Best in World titles with whitetail and mule deer mounts. Her proven procedures are revealed in great detail in her The Sallie Dahmes Whitetail / Mule Deer Taxidermy System Manual. It is a complete, start-to-finish comprehensive detailed account of how Sallie Dahmes mounts whitetail and mule deer shoulder mounts. Everything from skinning to finishing procedures are covered with clear photographs and diagrams illustrating every step of the way. There has never been a more detailed account of deer mounting than this book offers. 160 pages, over 800 black and white photos and diagrams.

Book Chapters Book Chapters (cont.)
Tools, Supplies and Equipment Antler Attachment, Mounting the Ears
Collecting and Interpreting Reference Tucking the Lips and Nose
Field Care Tips Sculpting the Ear Butts
Taking Measurements Stitches, Sewing and Tying Off
Checking the Mount In, Shop Layout Detailing the Mount
Business Tactics Grooming, Hair Patterns, and Seam Care
Skinning and Caping the Deer Head Using Finishing Wax on the Eyes and Nose
Antler Removal and Preparation Restoring Color with Oil Paints
Fleshing and Salting the Hide Airbrushing the Ears
Eye, Lip and Nose Splitting How to Mount an Open Mouth Deer
Shaving and Tanning the Skin Competitions: How to Win
Manikin Preparation Problems and Solutions in Deer Taxidermy
Eye Setting and Eyelid Sculpting From the Field to the Frying Pan