Using Apoxie® Clay
Apoxie® Clay is a permanent, self-hardening, waterproof clay product most commonly used when the shiny finish of standard epoxies is not desirable.
Measure equal parts of A and B components. Mix and knead together two minutes or until thoroughly combined and a uniform color is achieved.
Note: Incomplete mixing will give poor results.
Apoxie® Clay is now ready to use. Its working time is approximately two to three hours.
Smooth or texture with fingers or tools and water or Aves® Safety Solvent before set up. Paint wet or dry.
Clean up with Aves® Safety Solvent or soap and water.
Note: Curing time is 24 hours to be waterproof and for hard finishing.
Refrigerating or freezing will extend shelf life.
Caution: Keep Out of Reach of Children
Wear protective gloves when mixing.
Wear goggles and dust mask when sanding and grinding.
Seal containers when not in use.
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