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Wildebeest Paint Schedule

Instruction Steps:

  1. Putty all holes, cracks, nostrils, ears, etc. with a paintable material such as Magic Sculpt.

  2. Make sure to detail around horns.

  3. Begin with Jonas Off White, spray lightly on and around nose.

  4. Then use Jonas Black to paint eyelids, nostrils, nose, ears and horns.

  5. When paint is thoroughly dry use a soft cloth to gently rub out excess paint from hair and ears. Then use a damp brush to wipe paint off eyes. Use a Q-tip to buff eyes until clean.

  6. Using a fine tip brush, carefully apply Jonas Clear Gloss to eyelids and let dry. Using Clear Gloss, carefully spray nose inside and out, as well as the inner ear. Be sure to cover eyes with a cloth before spraying. Hair Sheen may be used to give mount a finishing touch.

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