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Specific Species Stencils Instructions

Create competition quality in seconds without that fuzzy airbrush look using Specific Species Stencils
by Mark Daniels.

Step 1: Begin by spraying the tail section. Spray your detail color around the edges of the stencil holes.

Step 2: Adjust the pattern to conform to the main body of the fish and continue spraying.

Step 3: Spray the middle stripe first, and then add as much or little upper body detail as you desire.

Step 4: Proceed with the head stencil in the same manner.


Step 5: Sparkling Gold paint (FP423 or WA423) sprayed over the gold scale stencil produces beautiful gold tipping over the entire fish in a matter of seconds!

Step 6: The belly scale pattern is produced in seconds by spraying Dark Bass Green (FP63 or WA63) over the belly stencil.

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