How To Use the Speed Septum System

Speed Septums are quick, easy, and designed for any whitetail sized animal. They come colored and textured with a detailed vein network. With the use of the septum tool, they slide easily into place.

Step 1: Dig, rasp, or drill the inside of the nose using good reference. Shown here is a rasp working behind the wing area. Use a good reference to mortise the nasal passages correctly.

Step 2: It is not mandatory, but you may totally remove the septum wall, making it easier to clean out.

Step 3:By rocking the tool on the nose pad area, it will cut into the form. Once the tool is through, use your thumb to push the septum tool straight back into the form, thus creating a septum track. With the tool installed, you can now "read" where the speed septum will lay. If you don't like the location, pull out and reinstall the tool to cut another track.

Tip: With scissors, cut the Speed Septum in half. Round one end of each half into a "bullet" shape. This will facilitate smooth insertion septum into the form.

Step 4:While curling the septum with your fingers, insert it into the previously cut track, veins inward. If the Speed Septum seems stiff and not easy to cur, warm it up to improve its flexibility.

Step 5:Once inserted, trim off the excess with a scalpel. Make sure there is not any septum edge protruding beyond the nose pad. Repeat the above steps for the other side of the nose.

Step 6: Mount the deer as usual. Cut the inner nose end skin smooth and run it up to or slightly overlap the septum.

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