Matt Thompson Fiberglass Fish Glossary

All Matt Thompson Fiberglass Fish Reproductions require seam work, fin attachment, mouth and gill work.

These reproduction fish forms are made to order. Please allow approximately 2 to 3 weeks for shipment. All Matt Thompson reproductions will ship from our North Carolina Distribution Center.

Note: As a general rule, fish reproductions over 55" must be shipped by truck.


CM - Closed Mouth                                   RT--Right Turn

CG - Closed Gill                                      OG--Open Gill

LT - Left Turn                                          "SCV"--S Curve

"SA" - Sail Attached                                          "NDF"--No Dorsal Fin

F - Female        M - Male     L- Length    SM - Spawning Male

"H" - Hook                                           "SH" - Slight Hook

"FU" - Fins Unattached                                           "LU" - Lobes Unattached

"TU" - Tail Up                                           "TD" - Tail Down

"TW" -Tail Walking, flapping coming out of the water

All others can be used as either sex.


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