Using Magnesium Carbonate

Magnesium Carbonate, used in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide 3% is an excellent bleaching solution for skulls and bones.


Wear rubber gloves to mix and apply the paste. Put the desired amount of Magnesium Carbonate into a plastic mixing container. Add enough hydrogen peroxide to the Magnesium Carbonate and mix ingredients to make a paste. Apply paste to the skull or bones using a paint brush. Make sure skull and bones are free of meat and membrane before bleaching. Use Sodium Carbonate (Sal Soda)for meat and membrane removal. After applying Magnesium Carbonate and hydrogen peroxide to entire skull or bones, let the paste dry. Rinse paste off with clear tap water. Place the skull or bones in the sun for 2 to 3 days. Then seal with clear lacquer if so desired.

Read storage instructions on the hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide 3% can be found in most grocery stores or any drug store.

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