How To Install an Antler Plate

    1. Rasp or cut the cleaned antler plate to match the reproduction skull.

    2. For better adhesion, use a rasp or dremel tool to rough up the area where the antler will be placed on the reproduction skull.

    3. Mix Bondo with excelsior or fiber filler and apply this to the skull cavity. Position the antlers onto the skull and allow the Bondo to set.

    4. Once set, cover the seams and re-contour the transition areas using Apoxie Sculpt or similar epoxy. When smoothing surfaces and feathering edges, hold the skull under running water to create a textured effect like bone. Scribe in the bone / seam texture with a T-pin.

    5. Once dry, paint the epoxy with Bass Belly White or a pure white with yellow ochre added (3 drops per 1 teaspoon).

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