Installing Artificial Noses by John Cargill of Bighorn LTD.



To select the right size nose, it is easier to measure the fresh nose. If this cannot be done, measure the nose on the form that is selected and fits the skin properly.

Measurements are taken with calipers with the width being to outside of the nostril wings. Height measurements are taken from the top of the nose to the bottom, narrow part of the septum.


When ready to mount and after the skin is rehydrated, the nose pad should be cut out leaving a thin layer of pad outside the hairline. This will make it easier to putty when finishing. After the nose has been selected, measure where the cut on the form should be and the appropriate angle. The newer forms from Roger Martin have the correct angle and shape etched into the nose making it easy to know where to cut.


After the nose has been cut off the form some adjustments may need to be made to the nose to fit the form as with open mouth mounts. A belt sander works well to concave the bottom part of the nose to fit around the jawset in the form. If the jawset is already installed in the form, do not cut through to the inside of the mouth.

On closed mouth mounts, you may not need to grind the nose down. The lip slot may be cut into the nose with a dremel tool.

When the nose fits to the proper angle and measurements it may be bonded to the form with Bondo or Apoxie Sculpt.


The nose will then need to be blended to the form. This may be done by either grinding down the back part of the nose or sanding down the form. It may also be blended with Apoxie Sculpt.


When the skin is put on, the nose will be glued on with Zap-A-Gap. Start by tacking the top and bottom then the outside corners.

When these are set, finish gluing the rest of the skin to the remainder of the nose.

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