Black Bear Paint Schedule

Instruction Steps:

  1. Fill and putty all holes, cracks, nostrils, ears, etc. with a paintable material such as Magic Sculpt.

  2. You will want to use the color that most closely matches the phase your bear is in, i.e. Dark Chocolate Brown or Black.

  3. For a black phase, use Jonas Black to spray inner ears, around the eyes and eyelids, and nose.

  4. Touch up any blemishes or hairslip spots with the corresponding color. Let dry.

  5. Use Septum Pink to spray inside nostril area, blending as you move outward. Let dry.

  6. Using a blow dryer and clean cloth, rub paint out of hair and ears.

  7. Use a dry, stiff paint brush to wipe paint off glass eyes.

  8. Use a fine-tip paint brush to touch up black on eyelids. Let dry.

  9. Use a fine-tip paint brush to touch up eyelids with Jonas Black. Let dry.

  10. Cover eyes with cloth, and spray Jonas Clear Gloss in and on nose, and around the lip line.

  11. Hair Sheen may be used to give the mount a finishing touch. Spray lightly over entire hair surface then brush through or blowout.

Note: Reference photos are a great tool for extra needed detail.

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