Using Apoxie® Sculpt

Apoxie® Sculpt is the finest quality epoxy compound for the taxidermy industry. It is excellent for finishing opened mouths, eyes and nostrils. It also works for repairs such as reconstructing broken antlers.

  1. Measure equal parts of A and B components. Mix and knead together two minutes or until thoroughly combined and a uniform color is achieved.

    Note: Incomplete mixing will give poor results.

  2. Apoxie® Sculpt is now ready to use. It's working time is approximately two to three hours.

    Smooth or texture with fingers or tools and water or Aves® Safety Solvent before set up. Paint wet or dry.

  3. Clean up with Aves® Safety Solvent or soap and water.

    Note: Curing time is 24 hours to be waterproof and for hard finishing.

    Refrigerating or freezing will extend shelf life.

Working Guide:

30 minutes - Sticking and most adhesive

1 to 2 hours - Easy to work.

2 to 3 hours - Setting up, detailing

24 hours - Cured and waterproof


Keep Out of Reach of Children

Wear protective gloves when mixing.

Wear goggles and dust mask when sanding and grinding.

Seal containers when not in use.

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